

aups village in the verdon

6 km from Vérignon, 7 km from Salernes, 10 km from Tourtour, 13 km from Bauduen, 14 km from Fox Amphoux, 16 km from Aiguines

GPS : Longitude : 6.224444 E - Latitude : 43.628613 N
Altitude: 505 m
Population: 1984

A typically Provençal village, on the first foothills of the Alps, Aups is renowned for the quality of its produce (wines, honey, olive oil, truffles...)

What to see, what to visit: Gothic church (12th - 15th centuries); tower clock; medieval and Renaissance streets; fortifications and gates (16th and 17th centuries); Museum of contemporary art Simon-Segal; Museum De Faykod (marble sculptures).
Recommended activities: walking, mountain biking and road cycling.

Provencal market
: Wednesday and Saturday morning. Truffle market the Thursday morning of at the end of November at mid-March.
Festivities : artisanal and agricultural fair 1st Sunday of August. Day of black truffle last Sunday of January. Day of olive 1st Sunday of March. Truffle celebrates last Sunday of January. Olive celebrates 1st Sunday of March. Fête patronale de saint Pancrace en mai. Nocturnes et animation culturelle. Festival du Haut-Var (musique).