
Saint Julien du Verdon

village of saint julien du verdon

7 km from Saint André les Alpes, 8 km from Castellane, 9 km from Moriez, 15 km from Le Bourguet, Annot

GPS : Longitude : 6.541389 E - Latitude : 43.915279 N
Altitude: 900 m
Population: 110

view lake saint julien du verdon
A village set in a mountain cirque covered in pine and oak trees, on the banks of the lake of Castillon.

What to see, what to visit: chapel Notre Dame (seventeenth century). Gorges of the Verdon, the lake of Sainte Croix, the Lake Esparron, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, the Lake Allos.
Recommended activities: sport of waters running, water sport, hiking…