
Moustiers Sainte Marie

village of moustiers sainte marie

8 km from Aiguines, les Salles sur Verdon, 12 km from Estoublon, Sainte Croix du Verdon, 14 km from Bauduen, 15 km from la Palud sur Verdon, 16 km from Beynes

GPS : Longitude : 6.22 E - Latitude : 43.84639 N
Altitude: 631 m
Population: 635

A village lying at the foot of a cliff that overlooks the Lac de Sainte Croix at the mouth of the Verdon canyon, Moustiers Sainte Marie is internationally renowned for the faïence – traditional pottery – produced in the area.

lane of moustiers sainte marie faïence de moustiers sainte marie

What to see and visit: faïence workshops; the church; the Romanesque twelfth-century Chapelle Notre-Dame de Beauvoir – with a golden star hanging from a 227-metre chain above it, this used to be one of the area’s Stations of the Cross.

Provencal market: Friday morning. Festivities: fairs on March 1st, July 14th, November 11th, December 2nd. Traditional festival on September 8th with procession with the torches. Midnight mass of Provence.