

village of trigance

6 km from Rougon, 11 km from Brenon, 12 km from Castellane, 15 km from la Garde, Châteauvieux, 20 km from Bargemon

GPS : Longitude : 6.444167 E - Latitude : 43.761944 N
Altitude: 800 m
Population: 152

A medieval village dominated by its ancient fortified castle (nowadays a luxury hôtel-restaurant). Overlooking the Jabron valley, surrounded by fragrant hills, Trigance is a true haven of peace for nature-lovers.

castel of trigance

What to see, what to visit: its church, its clock tower, the chapel Saint-Roch, the Soleil mill. Les gorges du Verdon, the lakes of Sainte Croix and Esparron, Moustiers-Ste-Marie
Recommended activities:
hiking, water sport, VTT, climbing, game of bowls, fishing…